Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering the biggest tragedy of our lifetime

Before I get into Day 6, I would just like to remember one of the most memorable and historical tragedy that happened 9 years ago, 9/11 terrorist attack to WTC twin towers, WTC building 7 (although, I heard about it only a few days ago) and the Pentagon. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was watching a show in my room, which got distracted because of the breaking news. Immediately, I run to my dad to ask him what is going on. It was 4pm in Finland when it started. I watched the towers collapse with my dad. 
Today, I've been watching bunch of things about that day, several documents. Before, I was naive to think that the government couldn't have anything to do with the attack, but the more I hear about it, the more I think that it was the US government that did this. Some of the things don't add up. Why did the buildings collapse? Why did the building 7, where the FBI and CIA were, collapse? I think it was FBI who heard that the first plain was hijacked, why didn't they stop the plane? Too many questions not answered. I don't think we'll ever get the answers to these, but I do believe the conspiracy theory in this case.
Nonetheless, I'm very sorry of the loved ones that were lost. I'm just lucky that I don't know anyone who died. I'm lucky that I wasn't in New York that day. On one of the documentaries that I saw today was about some of the phone calls that people made to their loved ones. So many people, were going to one of the towers for just a business meeting, or to clear out their desks because they got a better job. That really touched me. 9/11 and all those people that passed on that day, are in my mind.
Moving on to my workout.

Day 6. Kenpo. Again, today I had to push myself to do my workout. I couldn't do it before 3pm. What is up with me? I just need to learn to do my workouts on time, so I don't have to push myself. Then again, most of the time, when you don't feel like working out, you have the best workout day! I guess I did have a good workout, not a great one, not a bad one either. My body is a bit tired and I can feel it, especially my calves are really hurting, I can barely move. I'll be looking forward for my tomorrow's rest day.

Kenpo was a cardio workout, sort of like Taebo or something. You needed heart rate monitor for this, because you had to keep your heart rate high up. Unfortunately though, I don't have one. I can tell you that my heart rate was high through out the whole workout. My side was stabbing at some point, so I took a little break. I was sweating like a little pig. Haha. I did my best though, well, I tried at least.

Breakfast Two cheese sandwiches
Lunch snack Sports bar
Dinner Pasta-tuna salad
8pm snack A bowl of kiwi, apple and banana

If anyone knows any good recipes, I'd be more than happy to have them. I'm not very good cook and I don't really come up with new and healthy things to eat. If you know anything, please let me know. I'd really appreciate it :).

That's all folks!


  1. Heips,

    hienosti lähteny liikkeelle sun projekti,mä olen täällä lueskellu sun blogia :).

    Mitä tuohon ruokaan tulee, niin me syödään useasti paistettua kanaa tai kalaa salaatin kanssa, helppoa ja terveellistä. Salaatin koostumusta voi aina vaihdella ja kanaa voi höystää esim. pestokastikkeella.Lihasta saa ainakin proteiinia ja kasvikset nyt on aina hyvästä :). Ja ootko kokeillu puuroa aamupalana (nimimerkillä vannoutunut puurofani ;)), se pitää nälän pitkään poissa ja on tietysti terveellistä. Siihen kylkeen vaikka viinirypäleitä tai kiiviä niin namnam. Usko tai älä,mutta erittäin toimiva yhdistelmä ja maistuukin tosi hyvältä jos puuro ei muuten ole suosikkipöperöä.


  2. Hehe, kiitos! Yritän kovasti :)
    Mitä tarkalleen ottaen te pistätte salaattiin? Mä ku oon aika nirso (edelleenkin, vaikka hiukka parempi ku joskus aikoinaan).

    Kyllä mä tykkään puurosta, ja ennen ku lähin suomesta tuli ne pikapuurot tms. (en muista miksi niitä kutsutaan), joista tykkään kovastikin! Valitettavasti täällä vaan ei myydä puuroa, se menee sitten velliksi, josta en kovin välitä. Ja uskon että on toimiva!!!
