Monday, September 6, 2010

Here we go!

Day 1. Core Synergistics. I wake up before eight o'clock this morning to work out. I like working out in the mornings, because a) it makes my mind more active, and b) (especially when I'm having a day that I don't want to workout) it's "done and over with" and I have less energy (read: lazy) in the afternoon. Tomorrow though, I need to work out when I get back from school because I already have to wake up around 5.30-6.

Oh man, was the workout hard! It was as hard as I had expected it to be. I couldn't do all the exercises - yet (I will though after these 3 months!) - but I tried my best, isn't that what counts? For about 45 minutes afterwards, every muscle that I had just worked on hurt so bad, I was trembling. I felt happy though, all I can give is my best and I did that. Which makes me feel really good.

I'm excited though! Maybe I should tell you a bit of my history. I have always been a bit overweight, never this much though. Back in 2006 when I was an au pair in Ireland, I was probably in the best condition. With children you're very active and you burn a lot of calories, even though I thought I snacked quite a bit. (I guess I've always snacked secretly, I've always been ashamed of it but I can't stop myself. Chocolate is my biggest downfall!) When I went back to Finland, I had pretty much nothing to do and I was pretty lonely, so of course I turn to my best friend - food. For that six months I didn't do anything, just mooching at my parents'. During that time I gained a bit of weight.

When I moved on my own, to a different country, of course I didn't really have any control about my eating habits. Again, I was lonely, and again I turn to food (not as much though). Early summer '09, I made one of the best decisions I could make - give up chocolate for at least a year. I did. I ate healthy, I did Zumba almost every day for like 3 hours. The initial excitement that I had, started to fade away and slowly I stopped working out. Come December, my parents come visit me and bring lots of chocolate, so my year off of chocolate was broken. It lasted only six months. I've tried to start working out again, but was never as engaged to it as I wanted to be.

Now I am committed, now I really want to achieve my ideal goal (I will come back to that in a bit). I'm the type of person who can get excited pretty easily, and when I'm excited, I can get almost obsessed about that subject. However, as fast as that excitement comes, it can go away just as fast. This time around, I will not stop until I've achieved my goal. This is not a diet, this is a life change, this is a lifetime commitment. So at least for the next 3 months, I will eat no chocolate, no snacking..just healthy things. Since I know how the Christmas holiday affects me - I love all that food during that time (obviously!), and it is a big chocolate holiday, I can slack a little bit. On January though, it's back to working out 6 days a week. This is going to be hard work but nothing else works. I need to do this for myself.

So, I said in my last blog that I will tell you my daily eatings, here's what I've had today:
Ten minutes before working out: A banana, 500 ml of some sort of power drink (you know those sports drinks) and some water
Breakfast: two peanut butter sandwiches, water
Lunch: A bowl of vanilla yoghurt, water
Dinner: Pasta-tuna salad (with dressing), water
And I think a bit later, I will have a banana/apple "salad".

So, my goal is, I will be under 70 kilos in ten months. I don't think I'd be comfortable to wear a bikini but I've always wanted those tankini (like a top and bottom) things, so for next summer I want to be able to fit in one of those. Also, I want to be able to get the size M in clothes, and want them to fit nicely. That is my goal.

This wouldn't be a journal, if I wouldn't put my measurement on here (which I really hate!)
Starting weight: 95 kilos
Arms: 39 cm
Chest: 117,5 cm
Waist: 105,5 cm
Hips: 124,5 cm
Thighs: 74 cm

Until tomorrow!