Day 13. Kenpo. I like doing things on my own time, without the feeling of not having to rush. Well, it's a Saturday and I don't need to go anywhere. I can take mini breaks here and there, not too many and without slowing down my heartbeat. Kenpo is a cardio workout, where you're moving constantly. I like this workout, I think it's one of my favorites (sorry if I'm repeating myself)!
These days, I usually start out with a protein shake (after my workout, of course), for lunch I either have crispbread with some chicken file on it or 43% fiber cornflakes with a banana and then dinner. I try not to eat too much..
Day 14. Rest day. Thankfully! I can choose either to have an off day or stretch. I like my off days, it's also a Sunday and I'm normally too lazy to do anything.
After dinner, I did cheat a little bit; for desert I had a Mars ice cream. It was in the freezer, it's been haunting me for awhile and decided to reward myself with a little treat. That is my only big cheat until Day 90. I felt like I cheated, and now feel guilty. It's all good though. You can have a little something every once in a while right? Just as long as you don't keep doing it constantly.
I have survived yet another week, which makes me really happy. 2,5 months to go until my first goal!!! That's not too long. I'm feeling better than ever, and in general more energized and active.
Oh, I almost forgot, this week I lost 1,1 kg (about 2,4 lbs) and a few centimeters here and there. It's not anything drastic but it's steady. That makes me feel good. (Even though, sometimes I'd like for it to go a bit faster..I'm just too impatient, I guess.)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
No pain, no gain!
Oh boy, why am I so bad at blogging? This sucks!
Day 9. Plyometrics. This is by far the hardest workout in P90X! I don't know if I hate it or like it. I guess I just have to get better at it, get my condition better.
Day 10. Shoulders & Arms, and Ab Ripper. I can say that I'm getting better at push-ups! Yay. My arms are getting stronger, I love that. This morning, I woke up at 5am to rush to school, just to find out that the classes are cancelled! Why did I wake up at 5am then? At least I did my exercises, although somewhat poorly. I did the best I could that morning.
I have to make a correction at this point, I have been using 2,5 kg (about 5,5 lbs) weights last week. On Monday and a few of the exercises today, I used 4,5 kg (almost 10 lbs). No wonder it was so heavy to do the exercises! When I realized this, I switched to 3,5 kg (7,7 lbs). This will be the weight for now. Not sure, when I will switch it again.
Day 11. Yoga. I normally don't mind Yoga as I want to get better at it and eventually master it. That day though, I wasn't really feeling it. I wanted to quit within 30 mins. That would have been very weak of me, so I just pushed through. It got better when it started to be more about balance (you know the famous tree -pose). I was so over the "cardio" part!
Day 12. Legs & Back, and Ab Ripper. I can honestly say that today I really had an awesome workout (for once)! I gave my all! It helped that my hubby pushed me with Ab Ripper, that way I couldn't cheat, like I sometimes do. I did 10-15 reps on each of the moves and I really could feel my abs. I was shivering for like an hour afterwards. That is how I know that I worked hard.
I have been eating healthy, ate what we in Finland call "mince soup" (don't know how else to call it) with lots of veggies, lots of salad, the protein shake etc. I love cheese but I have given that up for now, I want to eat as much protein as I can, so I have chicken file on my crispbread. I have to say that I am proud of myself for doing so good. I don't really crave that much of the junk food/chocolate/sweets/etc. I have my goal in mind and I want to achieve it. If I keep it up like this, I might lose the weight faster than I think. I'm not getting my hopes up, I still have my 9,5 months to lose all the excess weight.
Day 9. Plyometrics. This is by far the hardest workout in P90X! I don't know if I hate it or like it. I guess I just have to get better at it, get my condition better.
Day 10. Shoulders & Arms, and Ab Ripper. I can say that I'm getting better at push-ups! Yay. My arms are getting stronger, I love that. This morning, I woke up at 5am to rush to school, just to find out that the classes are cancelled! Why did I wake up at 5am then? At least I did my exercises, although somewhat poorly. I did the best I could that morning.
I have to make a correction at this point, I have been using 2,5 kg (about 5,5 lbs) weights last week. On Monday and a few of the exercises today, I used 4,5 kg (almost 10 lbs). No wonder it was so heavy to do the exercises! When I realized this, I switched to 3,5 kg (7,7 lbs). This will be the weight for now. Not sure, when I will switch it again.
Day 11. Yoga. I normally don't mind Yoga as I want to get better at it and eventually master it. That day though, I wasn't really feeling it. I wanted to quit within 30 mins. That would have been very weak of me, so I just pushed through. It got better when it started to be more about balance (you know the famous tree -pose). I was so over the "cardio" part!
Day 12. Legs & Back, and Ab Ripper. I can honestly say that today I really had an awesome workout (for once)! I gave my all! It helped that my hubby pushed me with Ab Ripper, that way I couldn't cheat, like I sometimes do. I did 10-15 reps on each of the moves and I really could feel my abs. I was shivering for like an hour afterwards. That is how I know that I worked hard.
I have been eating healthy, ate what we in Finland call "mince soup" (don't know how else to call it) with lots of veggies, lots of salad, the protein shake etc. I love cheese but I have given that up for now, I want to eat as much protein as I can, so I have chicken file on my crispbread. I have to say that I am proud of myself for doing so good. I don't really crave that much of the junk food/chocolate/sweets/etc. I have my goal in mind and I want to achieve it. If I keep it up like this, I might lose the weight faster than I think. I'm not getting my hopes up, I still have my 9,5 months to lose all the excess weight.
ab ripper x,
weight loss,
working out,
Monday, September 20, 2010
Do your best and forget the rest!
Day 8. Chest & Back, and Ab Ripper. I didn't have school, so I didn't have the feeling of hurrying up today. I think that is partly why I had such a good work out today! I still cannot do pull-ups, but somehow I'm getting a bit better with push-ups. I'm amazed! When you're supposed to do pull-ups or chin-ups, I lift weights. My personal goal is that every week, I take heavier weights. So, last week I had 1,5 kg (about 3,3 lbs), and today I used 2,5 kg (about 5,5 lbs) weights. It really hurt to lift them and I couldn't do as much reps as I could with the lighter weights. I guess though, that now I have correct weights because I was really struggling with the reps towards the end! I can do better than I think that I can at times.
My advice from today for those who want to lose weight, just like the title of this blog says, "do your best and forget the rest" is a really good advice (that's what the main dude from the P90X says all the time) because there are days when you feel like you cannot do that well. Just as long as you do the best you can that day, that's all that matters! (Sorry for so many 'that' words!) Some days are better than others and sometimes you feel like a failure because you don't do that well. Remember, there's always tomorrow. You can bring it better tomorrow.
I know I certainly expect quite a lot from myself and if I haven't been able to do 100% well, I feel like a failure. Then there are days like today, when I have really good work out. Do the best that you can do each day, listening to your body is also another thing that you have to do when taking care of yourself.
Today I've had my protein shake for breakfast, Wasa's crispbread, a banana and chicken with potatoes for dinner.
My advice from today for those who want to lose weight, just like the title of this blog says, "do your best and forget the rest" is a really good advice (that's what the main dude from the P90X says all the time) because there are days when you feel like you cannot do that well. Just as long as you do the best you can that day, that's all that matters! (Sorry for so many 'that' words!) Some days are better than others and sometimes you feel like a failure because you don't do that well. Remember, there's always tomorrow. You can bring it better tomorrow.
I know I certainly expect quite a lot from myself and if I haven't been able to do 100% well, I feel like a failure. Then there are days like today, when I have really good work out. Do the best that you can do each day, listening to your body is also another thing that you have to do when taking care of yourself.
Today I've had my protein shake for breakfast, Wasa's crispbread, a banana and chicken with potatoes for dinner.
ab ripper x,
weight loss,
working out
Sunday, September 19, 2010
It's been a week!
Oh my, it's been nearly a week since I've written here! Time goes by so fast! School is what you can blame it on, it's taken most of my time, and well, traveling to school takes a lot of energy out of me. I don't even check my email daily anymore, that's how tired I can get. Starting next week again, I will continue blogging more regularly again. Anywho, just a quick recap of my past week.
Day 2. Plyometrics. Is by far the hardest program of P90X! If you can master this one, you're a winner!
Day 3. Shoulders&Arms and Ab Ripper. I woke up like 5 am to do this workout! I've noticed that the best workouts I have are before I do anything or go anywhere, even if I have to wake up extra early for it! I've always hated push ups, well, this workout is mainly about push-ups and pull-ups. I cannot do pull-ups either, well the pull-up bar that I now have is higher than I thought it'd be so I cannot really reach to it, and I don't have a proper chair to help me either. So I just use 1,5 kg weights and do more reps.
Day 4. Yoga. Ahhh, I have love-hate relationship with yoga, sometimes I can do it, at times I can't. I want to be able to yoga very well. It "fits" to my personality, and calms me down if I can do it correctly.
Day 5. Legs&Back and Ab Ripper. Even though I had to wake up like 4.30 am to do this workout, and I only had a few (useless, might I add) hours of school, I still wanted to do before I went anywhere. I could fall asleep later that day. This was an okay workout. Nothing special.
Day 6. Kenpo. Kenpo is the Taebo kind of workout, a lot of "punching" and kicking. I love this one! It's one of my favorites. Makes me feel cool! Haha.
Day 7. Rest day. I was planning on doing the stretching program today, but I felt so tired from the past week that I couldn't bring myself to do it. Also, I needed to catch up with some of my school work. Today was also the measuring day, nothing really that dramatic has happened but I have a lost a few centimeters here and there. A kilo of my weight. I have started to follow the eating "schedule" too, that the P90X program recommends. I saw protein shake powder on sale, so I bought that, which helps you gain muscle easier. Also I have started to eat those special pills that help you lose weight, prescribed by my Finnish doctor. I feel like I can fit better in my jeans now, which is awesome. I generally feel so much better and I am more confident of myself. I still have a long way to go but, to all those who want to lose weight, please do not starve yourself, you should have a little meal once in every two hours, e.g. a fruit. I'm trying not to eat too many fruits either (one per day) because of the food program.
It's a new week tomorrow. Week 2 and I ain't quitting! :) Those food recommendations are still welcome :).
Until soon.
Day 2. Plyometrics. Is by far the hardest program of P90X! If you can master this one, you're a winner!
Day 3. Shoulders&Arms and Ab Ripper. I woke up like 5 am to do this workout! I've noticed that the best workouts I have are before I do anything or go anywhere, even if I have to wake up extra early for it! I've always hated push ups, well, this workout is mainly about push-ups and pull-ups. I cannot do pull-ups either, well the pull-up bar that I now have is higher than I thought it'd be so I cannot really reach to it, and I don't have a proper chair to help me either. So I just use 1,5 kg weights and do more reps.
Day 4. Yoga. Ahhh, I have love-hate relationship with yoga, sometimes I can do it, at times I can't. I want to be able to yoga very well. It "fits" to my personality, and calms me down if I can do it correctly.
Day 5. Legs&Back and Ab Ripper. Even though I had to wake up like 4.30 am to do this workout, and I only had a few (useless, might I add) hours of school, I still wanted to do before I went anywhere. I could fall asleep later that day. This was an okay workout. Nothing special.
Day 6. Kenpo. Kenpo is the Taebo kind of workout, a lot of "punching" and kicking. I love this one! It's one of my favorites. Makes me feel cool! Haha.
Day 7. Rest day. I was planning on doing the stretching program today, but I felt so tired from the past week that I couldn't bring myself to do it. Also, I needed to catch up with some of my school work. Today was also the measuring day, nothing really that dramatic has happened but I have a lost a few centimeters here and there. A kilo of my weight. I have started to follow the eating "schedule" too, that the P90X program recommends. I saw protein shake powder on sale, so I bought that, which helps you gain muscle easier. Also I have started to eat those special pills that help you lose weight, prescribed by my Finnish doctor. I feel like I can fit better in my jeans now, which is awesome. I generally feel so much better and I am more confident of myself. I still have a long way to go but, to all those who want to lose weight, please do not starve yourself, you should have a little meal once in every two hours, e.g. a fruit. I'm trying not to eat too many fruits either (one per day) because of the food program.
It's a new week tomorrow. Week 2 and I ain't quitting! :) Those food recommendations are still welcome :).
Until soon.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Here we go (again)!
As I told you last time, I'm starting again with the Classic program.
Day 1. Chest&Back and Ab Ripper. Oh boy, it's early in the morning and I need to do push-ups. I've never been good at push-ups! In fact, I always hated push-ups. I was so surprised how many push-ups I can do though, I did way over my expectations. Of course in P90X there are different versions. Some felt rather easy, so I'm wondering if I'm doing it correctly. I can't go that low yet, but it's a starts and hopefully by the end of 90 days, I'll be able to master the push-ups. I have high hopes.
What is wrong with my abs? I was very satisfied with Chest & Back workout, but the Ab Ripper was really hard today! I had to push myself to do some of them, but some I just couldn't do so I went on to the next one. I need to push myself tad a bit harder, I can't lose my focus.
That is what I want to achieve - she's sexy, fit and curvaceous all at the same time. I probably won't be able to achieve exactly that, it's just to give me motivation when I'm almost losing it and want to quit. I'm going to try my hardest to get to that point, and it is going to be a very long road. And it needs a lot of patience. I will achieve that, I can achieve that.
Anyone who wants to lose weight, shouldn't lose focus. If you slip for a day, that's fine, just as long as you get back on it tomorrow. Food is a big obstacle for me, and whenever I want some "bad" food, I replace it with a fruit or another healthy snack. To be honest, it's quite a relief that I don't have the craving to eat chocolate constantly. Fruit is delicious, it's healthy and it's sweet. Now, I've noticed that I'm craving for my fruit bowl every night, that has got me hooked.
I would advice to keep your goal in your mind. If you want to achieve that, you need to work hard for it. There's no doubt about it. However, it can be a lot of fun, working out gives you more energy, makes your mind more active. You should just take the best out of it! Saying I can't do it, doesn't help you at all. Self-pitying doesn't help. Positive thinking and I can do it, I will do it will help you to get you in shape and lose weight.
Unfortunately, again tomorrow I cannot workout in the morning, as I already have to wake up somewhere around 5 or 6am. So, I need to push myself to workout in the afternoon. I can do it though!!! Even if I'll get sick, I'll be doing P90X, no excuses this time.
Breakfast 43% fiber cornflakes with banana
Lunch One high energy bar and two yo-fruit bars (didn't have lunch..didn't have enough time to buy lunch)
Dinner Salmon with a big potato and salad (my fav. meal!)
8pm snack My daily fruit bowl, consisting of a kiwi, a banana and an apple
Day 1. Chest&Back and Ab Ripper. Oh boy, it's early in the morning and I need to do push-ups. I've never been good at push-ups! In fact, I always hated push-ups. I was so surprised how many push-ups I can do though, I did way over my expectations. Of course in P90X there are different versions. Some felt rather easy, so I'm wondering if I'm doing it correctly. I can't go that low yet, but it's a starts and hopefully by the end of 90 days, I'll be able to master the push-ups. I have high hopes.
What is wrong with my abs? I was very satisfied with Chest & Back workout, but the Ab Ripper was really hard today! I had to push myself to do some of them, but some I just couldn't do so I went on to the next one. I need to push myself tad a bit harder, I can't lose my focus.
That is what I want to achieve - she's sexy, fit and curvaceous all at the same time. I probably won't be able to achieve exactly that, it's just to give me motivation when I'm almost losing it and want to quit. I'm going to try my hardest to get to that point, and it is going to be a very long road. And it needs a lot of patience. I will achieve that, I can achieve that.
Anyone who wants to lose weight, shouldn't lose focus. If you slip for a day, that's fine, just as long as you get back on it tomorrow. Food is a big obstacle for me, and whenever I want some "bad" food, I replace it with a fruit or another healthy snack. To be honest, it's quite a relief that I don't have the craving to eat chocolate constantly. Fruit is delicious, it's healthy and it's sweet. Now, I've noticed that I'm craving for my fruit bowl every night, that has got me hooked.
I would advice to keep your goal in your mind. If you want to achieve that, you need to work hard for it. There's no doubt about it. However, it can be a lot of fun, working out gives you more energy, makes your mind more active. You should just take the best out of it! Saying I can't do it, doesn't help you at all. Self-pitying doesn't help. Positive thinking and I can do it, I will do it will help you to get you in shape and lose weight.
Unfortunately, again tomorrow I cannot workout in the morning, as I already have to wake up somewhere around 5 or 6am. So, I need to push myself to workout in the afternoon. I can do it though!!! Even if I'll get sick, I'll be doing P90X, no excuses this time.
Breakfast 43% fiber cornflakes with banana
Lunch One high energy bar and two yo-fruit bars (didn't have lunch..didn't have enough time to buy lunch)
Dinner Salmon with a big potato and salad (my fav. meal!)
8pm snack My daily fruit bowl, consisting of a kiwi, a banana and an apple
ab ripper x,
weight loss,
working out
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day 7. Rest day. I could have done stretching but I decided not to. Although, it might have been helpful, I needed a little rest. Today was measuring day, so here it is
My weight last week was 95,2 kg, now it was 93,1 kg. Yay! 2,1 kg lost in one week. I'm amazed. It's great! This stuff really works! Some things I'm satisfied, others I'm not.
Week 1 Week 2
Neck 38,7 37,7
Right Arm 39 38,6
Left Arm 39 38,6
Chest 117,5 116,7
Waist 105,5 99,6
Hips 124,5 124
Right Thigh 74,5 68
Left Thigh 72 70
I have been doing the Lean version of the P90X program. Today I heard that the Classic version is even better, you get more results. So, I will start with the Classic workout program, as if it was my 1st week. I want to get the best results possible!
My weight last week was 95,2 kg, now it was 93,1 kg. Yay! 2,1 kg lost in one week. I'm amazed. It's great! This stuff really works! Some things I'm satisfied, others I'm not.
Week 1 Week 2
Neck 38,7 37,7
Right Arm 39 38,6
Left Arm 39 38,6
Chest 117,5 116,7
Waist 105,5 99,6
Hips 124,5 124
Right Thigh 74,5 68
Left Thigh 72 70
I have been doing the Lean version of the P90X program. Today I heard that the Classic version is even better, you get more results. So, I will start with the Classic workout program, as if it was my 1st week. I want to get the best results possible!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Remembering the biggest tragedy of our lifetime
Before I get into Day 6, I would just like to remember one of the most memorable and historical tragedy that happened 9 years ago, 9/11 terrorist attack to WTC twin towers, WTC building 7 (although, I heard about it only a few days ago) and the Pentagon. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was watching a show in my room, which got distracted because of the breaking news. Immediately, I run to my dad to ask him what is going on. It was 4pm in Finland when it started. I watched the towers collapse with my dad.
Today, I've been watching bunch of things about that day, several documents. Before, I was naive to think that the government couldn't have anything to do with the attack, but the more I hear about it, the more I think that it was the US government that did this. Some of the things don't add up. Why did the buildings collapse? Why did the building 7, where the FBI and CIA were, collapse? I think it was FBI who heard that the first plain was hijacked, why didn't they stop the plane? Too many questions not answered. I don't think we'll ever get the answers to these, but I do believe the conspiracy theory in this case.
Nonetheless, I'm very sorry of the loved ones that were lost. I'm just lucky that I don't know anyone who died. I'm lucky that I wasn't in New York that day. On one of the documentaries that I saw today was about some of the phone calls that people made to their loved ones. So many people, were going to one of the towers for just a business meeting, or to clear out their desks because they got a better job. That really touched me. 9/11 and all those people that passed on that day, are in my mind.
Moving on to my workout.
Day 6. Kenpo. Again, today I had to push myself to do my workout. I couldn't do it before 3pm. What is up with me? I just need to learn to do my workouts on time, so I don't have to push myself. Then again, most of the time, when you don't feel like working out, you have the best workout day! I guess I did have a good workout, not a great one, not a bad one either. My body is a bit tired and I can feel it, especially my calves are really hurting, I can barely move. I'll be looking forward for my tomorrow's rest day.
Kenpo was a cardio workout, sort of like Taebo or something. You needed heart rate monitor for this, because you had to keep your heart rate high up. Unfortunately though, I don't have one. I can tell you that my heart rate was high through out the whole workout. My side was stabbing at some point, so I took a little break. I was sweating like a little pig. Haha. I did my best though, well, I tried at least.
Breakfast Two cheese sandwiches
Lunch snack Sports bar
Dinner Pasta-tuna salad
8pm snack A bowl of kiwi, apple and banana
If anyone knows any good recipes, I'd be more than happy to have them. I'm not very good cook and I don't really come up with new and healthy things to eat. If you know anything, please let me know. I'd really appreciate it :).
That's all folks!
Today, I've been watching bunch of things about that day, several documents. Before, I was naive to think that the government couldn't have anything to do with the attack, but the more I hear about it, the more I think that it was the US government that did this. Some of the things don't add up. Why did the buildings collapse? Why did the building 7, where the FBI and CIA were, collapse? I think it was FBI who heard that the first plain was hijacked, why didn't they stop the plane? Too many questions not answered. I don't think we'll ever get the answers to these, but I do believe the conspiracy theory in this case.
Nonetheless, I'm very sorry of the loved ones that were lost. I'm just lucky that I don't know anyone who died. I'm lucky that I wasn't in New York that day. On one of the documentaries that I saw today was about some of the phone calls that people made to their loved ones. So many people, were going to one of the towers for just a business meeting, or to clear out their desks because they got a better job. That really touched me. 9/11 and all those people that passed on that day, are in my mind.
Moving on to my workout.
Day 6. Kenpo. Again, today I had to push myself to do my workout. I couldn't do it before 3pm. What is up with me? I just need to learn to do my workouts on time, so I don't have to push myself. Then again, most of the time, when you don't feel like working out, you have the best workout day! I guess I did have a good workout, not a great one, not a bad one either. My body is a bit tired and I can feel it, especially my calves are really hurting, I can barely move. I'll be looking forward for my tomorrow's rest day.
Kenpo was a cardio workout, sort of like Taebo or something. You needed heart rate monitor for this, because you had to keep your heart rate high up. Unfortunately though, I don't have one. I can tell you that my heart rate was high through out the whole workout. My side was stabbing at some point, so I took a little break. I was sweating like a little pig. Haha. I did my best though, well, I tried at least.
Breakfast Two cheese sandwiches
Lunch snack Sports bar
Dinner Pasta-tuna salad
8pm snack A bowl of kiwi, apple and banana
If anyone knows any good recipes, I'd be more than happy to have them. I'm not very good cook and I don't really come up with new and healthy things to eat. If you know anything, please let me know. I'd really appreciate it :).
That's all folks!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Quality over quantity
Before I start about today, I had to tell you what I ate yesterday
For dinner I had chicken with rice and green beans. Later on in the evening (around 8pm), I had a bowl of banana, apple and kiwi. This has started to be my favorite dish. I have a sweet tooth, and these are all sweet, yet healthy things to eat. I love it! I also had two cups of tea, with sugar (accidentally, it's a habit..)
Day 5. Legs & Back, and Ab Ripper. 90 minutes of hard work, a lot of sweating and lots of water. Before I started the workout, I didn't want to do it. I wanted to be lazy today. I had to push myself to do it, and I'm glad I did. It took more than two hours to finish it but I wanted to give my all and I wanted to do it right. I needed a chin-up bar for the Legs & Back program. Unfortunately, I didn't have that yet (they delivered it after I was done with my workout, still have to install it though), so I just did the exact same version, only with 1,5kg weights. This time, I wanted to use weights and do as much reps as I can.
It was quite a lot of reps of different lunges, squats, chin-ups and even calf raises. Calf raises were rather hard but I'm glad that even that is included in the program, because I want my calves to be thinner. Some of the moves were rather hard for me but I did them anyway and I did the amount of reps they asked or the amount of time they asked to stay in a position. I felt the burn, it hurt a lot, but I wasn't going to give up.
I also did 20 reps per move for ab ripper as well, last time I did like 15 reps per move. Today, I didn't have to go anywhere, so luckily I had time to do it on my own pace. I could take little breaks here and there. I felt like I gave my 100% today, and afterwards I felt good.
Today, I've been cold...or actually going from cold to hot to back cold again. I don't know if this has something to do with weight loss or if it's because I'm getting sick. I hope not the latter. Although, I have been having a throat ache since this morning. I can't get sick now, I just can't! Also, because it's a Friday, I kinda wanted to snack a little bit. It's weird that it's Friday, and I don't have my chocolate bar and a bag of chips. I guess I should start thinking that Friday is like any other day or something. It's a constant battle. I don't know why so early in the beginning do I have these cravings. Am I going to get used to it, or better yet stop craving, as I go on or is it going to haunt me? I don't want to have the cravings of bad food.
Anywho, here's the nutrition of the day:
Breakfast: 43% fiber cornflakes
Lunch: Two cheese sandwiches
Post-lunch: A sports bar and sugar cookie (eierkoek)
Dinner: Chicken with rice and white beans (again, got too much of chicken yesterday)
Evening snack: A bowl of banana, apple and kiwi, tea with sweetener, a glass of juice (my cheat of the week)
Good night!
For dinner I had chicken with rice and green beans. Later on in the evening (around 8pm), I had a bowl of banana, apple and kiwi. This has started to be my favorite dish. I have a sweet tooth, and these are all sweet, yet healthy things to eat. I love it! I also had two cups of tea, with sugar (accidentally, it's a habit..)
Day 5. Legs & Back, and Ab Ripper. 90 minutes of hard work, a lot of sweating and lots of water. Before I started the workout, I didn't want to do it. I wanted to be lazy today. I had to push myself to do it, and I'm glad I did. It took more than two hours to finish it but I wanted to give my all and I wanted to do it right. I needed a chin-up bar for the Legs & Back program. Unfortunately, I didn't have that yet (they delivered it after I was done with my workout, still have to install it though), so I just did the exact same version, only with 1,5kg weights. This time, I wanted to use weights and do as much reps as I can.
It was quite a lot of reps of different lunges, squats, chin-ups and even calf raises. Calf raises were rather hard but I'm glad that even that is included in the program, because I want my calves to be thinner. Some of the moves were rather hard for me but I did them anyway and I did the amount of reps they asked or the amount of time they asked to stay in a position. I felt the burn, it hurt a lot, but I wasn't going to give up.
I also did 20 reps per move for ab ripper as well, last time I did like 15 reps per move. Today, I didn't have to go anywhere, so luckily I had time to do it on my own pace. I could take little breaks here and there. I felt like I gave my 100% today, and afterwards I felt good.
Today, I've been cold...or actually going from cold to hot to back cold again. I don't know if this has something to do with weight loss or if it's because I'm getting sick. I hope not the latter. Although, I have been having a throat ache since this morning. I can't get sick now, I just can't! Also, because it's a Friday, I kinda wanted to snack a little bit. It's weird that it's Friday, and I don't have my chocolate bar and a bag of chips. I guess I should start thinking that Friday is like any other day or something. It's a constant battle. I don't know why so early in the beginning do I have these cravings. Am I going to get used to it, or better yet stop craving, as I go on or is it going to haunt me? I don't want to have the cravings of bad food.
Anywho, here's the nutrition of the day:
Breakfast: 43% fiber cornflakes
Lunch: Two cheese sandwiches
Post-lunch: A sports bar and sugar cookie (eierkoek)
Dinner: Chicken with rice and white beans (again, got too much of chicken yesterday)
Evening snack: A bowl of banana, apple and kiwi, tea with sweetener, a glass of juice (my cheat of the week)
Good night!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Alku aina hankalaa!
Day 3. Shoulders & Arms, and Ab Ripper. This was more for shaping your muscles. Pussy that I was, I only had (I think) 0,5 kg weights. Yes, I know that’s nothing. I could have changed the weights but I thought I’d start with this. Next time, I’ll add more weight to them. Ab Ripper was mad hard, over 300 ab exercises. So, needless to say that there were a lot of different exercises, each of them were about 25 exercises, only a few were 30 and 50. I tried to do 16 exercises, some fell through though. I really need to work on abs as I like the exercises the least.
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Dutch Eierkoeken (eggcookies, not sure what else to call them) |
After my workout, I had a full day of school. I needed to hurry a bit, as I woke up a bit too late. Fortunately though, I did have enough time to get ready for school. We had a little break at school, so I go on one of the computers, and this guy who sits right next to me first ate (I think it was) a croissant (which didn’t bother me at all, but then he pulls out a bag of candy. I kind of started to crave for them. I keep eyeing on the bag, then thinking, oh I still have my two eierkoeken (=egg cookies, there’s only 92 kcal in one cookie) in my bag, so I eat one eierkoek, which was so much better!
When I came back from school, I talked to my best friend on skype (who is also going to start with P90X!) , watched a movie and went to bed before 11 pm. I was really tired. (Which is why I didn’t write my blog yesterday..)
Breakfast Cornflakes (43% fibres)
Lunch Two sandwiches with cheese
Early afternoon snack Eierkoek (egg cookie)
On the way home One of those high energy sports bars
Dinner Chicken shoarma with potatoes and green beans
Around 9pm A cup of green tea, with some sweetener, and my daily banana/banana fruit bowl (unfortunately didn’t have any apples left, so had to have just banana)
Needless to say, that I drink a lot of water during the day, not too much though. When I’m working out, I have 500 ml of a sports drink, to keep me going. Which I’ve found really tasty and helpful when I’m working out, it gives me extra energy.
Breakfast Cornflakes (43% fibres)
Lunch Two sandwiches with cheese
Early afternoon snack Eierkoek (egg cookie)
On the way home One of those high energy sports bars
Dinner Chicken shoarma with potatoes and green beans
Around 9pm A cup of green tea, with some sweetener, and my daily banana/banana fruit bowl (unfortunately didn’t have any apples left, so had to have just banana)
Needless to say, that I drink a lot of water during the day, not too much though. When I’m working out, I have 500 ml of a sports drink, to keep me going. Which I’ve found really tasty and helpful when I’m working out, it gives me extra energy.
Day 4. Yoga. Yoga has definitely been something that I really have wanted to start doing. It’s great that this is included in the program! The workout is about 90 min, the first 45 minutes is the more “cardio” part of the work out, it also concentrates more on the muscles. After that, is more about balance things for about 25 minutes, 10 minutes of ab exercises, and the last ten minutes is for stretching and meditating, just calming down. That’s what yoga is all about.
My condition is really, really bad, and at times the exercises that I had to do were a bit too hard. I didn’t have the strength to do some of them, or I did them incorrectly. I didn’t feel as good about this workout, because I couldn’t do them, so I feel a bit like a failure. I did try all of the positions, and did do as much as I could. I guess I feel like I only gave 90% of me today. Not a nice feeling.
I guess part of it is because every single part of my body hurts. It’s nice to have that feeling, don’t get me wrong, that shows me that I have done something and done it right. It’s just that at times it gets a bit tiring because every time I move, it hurts. It hurts to get up, my back hurts, it hurts to move my legs; I probably have the biggest muscle pain on my thighs at the moment (which is nice as I really want to tighten my thighs!). I’m still not going to give up, even though my body is getting tired. The beginning is the hardest, like my title states in Finnish.
Nutrition (so far, I will update it tomorrow):
Breakfast A scrambled egg sandwich with only the egg white and banana
Lunch A bowl of 43% fiber cornflakes
Breakfast A scrambled egg sandwich with only the egg white and banana
Lunch A bowl of 43% fiber cornflakes
That’s it for today.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Oh yeah, I completely forgot to tell you that it is so hard to get out of my old habits.
I'm leaving school and really hungry. I want fast energy, so I want to go to the store and get that little chocolate bar (or whatever bad snack I'm in the mood for). I'm so used to having something on the way back home, especially when I now have to travel 60-90 minutes! It takes extra hard work for me not to go back to my old, bad habits. I'm going to beat it though! I'm strong enough to do this, I have that willpower and drive to change those bad habits!
I'm leaving school and really hungry. I want fast energy, so I want to go to the store and get that little chocolate bar (or whatever bad snack I'm in the mood for). I'm so used to having something on the way back home, especially when I now have to travel 60-90 minutes! It takes extra hard work for me not to go back to my old, bad habits. I'm going to beat it though! I'm strong enough to do this, I have that willpower and drive to change those bad habits!
Tired, but happy
Day 2. Cardio X. Unfortantely, I couldn't work out this morning. Even though I had a pretty long day, and when I came home from school I was really tired, I pushed myself to work out. It's only day 2, and if I would slack already, I might as well quit writing this blog!
P90X's Cardio was not what I expected. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe I had some expectations that it would be some up-tempo similar to aerobics. No, it started out with some yoga moves, damn, I didn't realize how much strength you need to do it! 15-20 minutes into it, the program got tougher and faster. The moves reminded me of Billy Blanks' Taebo, at this point, I was really enjoying it actually. I must admit, I felt somewhat cool doing it. Haha. Before the cool down and stretching, I gave my all, and I was really out of breath, my heart was beating really fast. Afterwards, I was very satisfied of my work out. I got a bit more energy too.
Today I had
Breakfast Cornflakes (43% fibres)
Lunch Two croissants (maybe I shouldn't have had those..I forgot to make my lunch before I left home)
Dinner Pasta-chicken salad (we had still a lot of salad from yesterday)
Evening snack Apple/banana salad (I've really started to like keeps me from snacking bad stuff!)
Tonight I can go to bed satisfied. See you again tomorrow!
P90X's Cardio was not what I expected. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe I had some expectations that it would be some up-tempo similar to aerobics. No, it started out with some yoga moves, damn, I didn't realize how much strength you need to do it! 15-20 minutes into it, the program got tougher and faster. The moves reminded me of Billy Blanks' Taebo, at this point, I was really enjoying it actually. I must admit, I felt somewhat cool doing it. Haha. Before the cool down and stretching, I gave my all, and I was really out of breath, my heart was beating really fast. Afterwards, I was very satisfied of my work out. I got a bit more energy too.
Today I had
Breakfast Cornflakes (43% fibres)
Lunch Two croissants (maybe I shouldn't have had those..I forgot to make my lunch before I left home)
Dinner Pasta-chicken salad (we had still a lot of salad from yesterday)
Evening snack Apple/banana salad (I've really started to like keeps me from snacking bad stuff!)
Tonight I can go to bed satisfied. See you again tomorrow!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Here we go!
Day 1. Core Synergistics. I wake up before eight o'clock this morning to work out. I like working out in the mornings, because a) it makes my mind more active, and b) (especially when I'm having a day that I don't want to workout) it's "done and over with" and I have less energy (read: lazy) in the afternoon. Tomorrow though, I need to work out when I get back from school because I already have to wake up around 5.30-6.
Oh man, was the workout hard! It was as hard as I had expected it to be. I couldn't do all the exercises - yet (I will though after these 3 months!) - but I tried my best, isn't that what counts? For about 45 minutes afterwards, every muscle that I had just worked on hurt so bad, I was trembling. I felt happy though, all I can give is my best and I did that. Which makes me feel really good.
I'm excited though! Maybe I should tell you a bit of my history. I have always been a bit overweight, never this much though. Back in 2006 when I was an au pair in Ireland, I was probably in the best condition. With children you're very active and you burn a lot of calories, even though I thought I snacked quite a bit. (I guess I've always snacked secretly, I've always been ashamed of it but I can't stop myself. Chocolate is my biggest downfall!) When I went back to Finland, I had pretty much nothing to do and I was pretty lonely, so of course I turn to my best friend - food. For that six months I didn't do anything, just mooching at my parents'. During that time I gained a bit of weight.
When I moved on my own, to a different country, of course I didn't really have any control about my eating habits. Again, I was lonely, and again I turn to food (not as much though). Early summer '09, I made one of the best decisions I could make - give up chocolate for at least a year. I did. I ate healthy, I did Zumba almost every day for like 3 hours. The initial excitement that I had, started to fade away and slowly I stopped working out. Come December, my parents come visit me and bring lots of chocolate, so my year off of chocolate was broken. It lasted only six months. I've tried to start working out again, but was never as engaged to it as I wanted to be.
Now I am committed, now I really want to achieve my ideal goal (I will come back to that in a bit). I'm the type of person who can get excited pretty easily, and when I'm excited, I can get almost obsessed about that subject. However, as fast as that excitement comes, it can go away just as fast. This time around, I will not stop until I've achieved my goal. This is not a diet, this is a life change, this is a lifetime commitment. So at least for the next 3 months, I will eat no chocolate, no snacking..just healthy things. Since I know how the Christmas holiday affects me - I love all that food during that time (obviously!), and it is a big chocolate holiday, I can slack a little bit. On January though, it's back to working out 6 days a week. This is going to be hard work but nothing else works. I need to do this for myself.
So, I said in my last blog that I will tell you my daily eatings, here's what I've had today:
Ten minutes before working out: A banana, 500 ml of some sort of power drink (you know those sports drinks) and some water
Breakfast: two peanut butter sandwiches, water
Lunch: A bowl of vanilla yoghurt, water
Dinner: Pasta-tuna salad (with dressing), water
And I think a bit later, I will have a banana/apple "salad".
So, my goal is, I will be under 70 kilos in ten months. I don't think I'd be comfortable to wear a bikini but I've always wanted those tankini (like a top and bottom) things, so for next summer I want to be able to fit in one of those. Also, I want to be able to get the size M in clothes, and want them to fit nicely. That is my goal.
This wouldn't be a journal, if I wouldn't put my measurement on here (which I really hate!)
Starting weight: 95 kilos
Arms: 39 cm
Chest: 117,5 cm
Waist: 105,5 cm
Hips: 124,5 cm
Thighs: 74 cm
Until tomorrow!
Oh man, was the workout hard! It was as hard as I had expected it to be. I couldn't do all the exercises - yet (I will though after these 3 months!) - but I tried my best, isn't that what counts? For about 45 minutes afterwards, every muscle that I had just worked on hurt so bad, I was trembling. I felt happy though, all I can give is my best and I did that. Which makes me feel really good.
I'm excited though! Maybe I should tell you a bit of my history. I have always been a bit overweight, never this much though. Back in 2006 when I was an au pair in Ireland, I was probably in the best condition. With children you're very active and you burn a lot of calories, even though I thought I snacked quite a bit. (I guess I've always snacked secretly, I've always been ashamed of it but I can't stop myself. Chocolate is my biggest downfall!) When I went back to Finland, I had pretty much nothing to do and I was pretty lonely, so of course I turn to my best friend - food. For that six months I didn't do anything, just mooching at my parents'. During that time I gained a bit of weight.
When I moved on my own, to a different country, of course I didn't really have any control about my eating habits. Again, I was lonely, and again I turn to food (not as much though). Early summer '09, I made one of the best decisions I could make - give up chocolate for at least a year. I did. I ate healthy, I did Zumba almost every day for like 3 hours. The initial excitement that I had, started to fade away and slowly I stopped working out. Come December, my parents come visit me and bring lots of chocolate, so my year off of chocolate was broken. It lasted only six months. I've tried to start working out again, but was never as engaged to it as I wanted to be.
Now I am committed, now I really want to achieve my ideal goal (I will come back to that in a bit). I'm the type of person who can get excited pretty easily, and when I'm excited, I can get almost obsessed about that subject. However, as fast as that excitement comes, it can go away just as fast. This time around, I will not stop until I've achieved my goal. This is not a diet, this is a life change, this is a lifetime commitment. So at least for the next 3 months, I will eat no chocolate, no snacking..just healthy things. Since I know how the Christmas holiday affects me - I love all that food during that time (obviously!), and it is a big chocolate holiday, I can slack a little bit. On January though, it's back to working out 6 days a week. This is going to be hard work but nothing else works. I need to do this for myself.
So, I said in my last blog that I will tell you my daily eatings, here's what I've had today:
Ten minutes before working out: A banana, 500 ml of some sort of power drink (you know those sports drinks) and some water
Breakfast: two peanut butter sandwiches, water
Lunch: A bowl of vanilla yoghurt, water
Dinner: Pasta-tuna salad (with dressing), water
And I think a bit later, I will have a banana/apple "salad".
So, my goal is, I will be under 70 kilos in ten months. I don't think I'd be comfortable to wear a bikini but I've always wanted those tankini (like a top and bottom) things, so for next summer I want to be able to fit in one of those. Also, I want to be able to get the size M in clothes, and want them to fit nicely. That is my goal.
This wouldn't be a journal, if I wouldn't put my measurement on here (which I really hate!)
Starting weight: 95 kilos
Arms: 39 cm
Chest: 117,5 cm
Waist: 105,5 cm
Hips: 124,5 cm
Thighs: 74 cm
Until tomorrow!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Intro to this blog
Hi, my name is Sara, and I'm overweight. So many times I have said to myself "Tomorrow, I'll really start working out and working on my weight loss", and so many times I have failed at my goal. This blog is like a diary to me, I'll post (hopefully) daily of how that day has gone, what I've eaten, the frustration, the tears and the smiles, anything you can imagine. This is to keep me motivated, and not forgetting my goal.
My goal is to get to my ideal weight, between 65-70 kilos. My time frame is still a little open. I will add some more details soon. To reach my goal weight, I have almost 30 kilos to lose. Yes, this time it has gotten really too far, especially someone my size. Hence the blog/journal.
Unfortunately, I cannot afford a personal coach, so I just have to stick with some workout programs made for home use. I will start with P90X, I've heard so many good stories losing weight and getting lean with that program, so I decided to challenge myself with that. It's going to be very hard, but in order to get into shape and lose all that excess weight, I do need to be hard on myself. This time it's going to be different - no cheating. (And if I do cheat, I will write about it..).
I already worked out today, didn't do P90X yet. I'm already hurting from today's workout. Which, in some way, is kind of nice. That's when you know you've done something. Today I'll eat my last chocolate ice cream, today is my last cheat day.
It doesn't start from tomorrow, it starts from today.
My goal is to get to my ideal weight, between 65-70 kilos. My time frame is still a little open. I will add some more details soon. To reach my goal weight, I have almost 30 kilos to lose. Yes, this time it has gotten really too far, especially someone my size. Hence the blog/journal.
Unfortunately, I cannot afford a personal coach, so I just have to stick with some workout programs made for home use. I will start with P90X, I've heard so many good stories losing weight and getting lean with that program, so I decided to challenge myself with that. It's going to be very hard, but in order to get into shape and lose all that excess weight, I do need to be hard on myself. This time it's going to be different - no cheating. (And if I do cheat, I will write about it..).
I already worked out today, didn't do P90X yet. I'm already hurting from today's workout. Which, in some way, is kind of nice. That's when you know you've done something. Today I'll eat my last chocolate ice cream, today is my last cheat day.
It doesn't start from tomorrow, it starts from today.
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